Humber’s quarterly research and innovation magazine SPARK Issue #4 is out now!
SPARK Issue #4 shines the spotlight on three interdisciplinary initiatives from Humber’s Visual & Digital Arts, Baking & Pastry Arts, and Fashion Management programs. From integrating AR/VR in the curriculum to using 3D printing technology to collaborating with global partner institutions, Humber faculty members, researchers and students are transforming their sparks of curiosity into classroom projects that further help students gain a competitive edge in the workforce of the 21st century.
SPARK features a foreword from Dianna Dinevksi, Associate Dean, Research & Development, and an editor’s note from Anju Kakkar, Managing Editor, Humber Press, Research & Innovation who welcomes you into the world of research and innovation through stories.
The new SPARK issue also spotlights “A Study on Skills Gap: Beyond COVID”—a research study led by Barath Roy Michel, Senior Project Manager, Office of Research & Innovation, whose insights have been highlighted in the BBC article, “What ‘upskilling’ means for the future of work.” The research study was published in the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) Vol. 4 No. 1.
Read SPARK Issue #4 today!