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About Us

Humber Press is a publishing team based in Humber College’s Office of Research and Innovation (ORI). The Humber Press team is dedicated to sharing stories of every step of the researcher's journey – from the time when an idea is just a spark of curiosity to the formation of a research question to the exploration of new areas of knowledge to the dissemination of the final research results.
We are passionate about telling stories of research and innovation that solve a community problem or push the boundaries of what is possible. But beyond the stories of success, we also love sharing the stories of times when the going gets tough – the trial and error, unexpected challenges or change in direction that can arise in the research and innovation journey. From such times we uncover the stories of unexpected collaborations, serendipitous encounters and accidental discoveries.
We believe every journey of exploration has something important to share with the world. That’s why we promote, share and celebrate stories of research and innovation through five main platforms:
Reach out and share your research and innovation stories with us:

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About us